Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Hats!

I have been really busy lately making lots of hats for my etsy shop. So far, I have sold 3 hat, bootie and diapercover sets and 2 separate hats. I am constantly on the look for new yarn to make fresh and new hats. I am in the middle of a trade for 4 hats at the moment for one of my due date mommas. She wants the hats in trade for her wonderful handmade bibs she makes. I thought it would be a great way to get my work out there for others to see. I am really excited about making up the last hat and getting all 4 out to her. They should be ready by tomorrow. I also have a new project for one of my angelmomma friends. She messaged me and let me know that she would like 2 blankets for her sweet twin boys for their daycare. I am going to pick up the yarn tomorrow. Anyway, here are some pictures of recent hats that I have been working on. Enjoy!

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