Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hats, Booties and Diapercover Sets!

I am so excited about these cute sets I've been making. They are adorable. I actually already sold the girls one to one of my friends who has a photography business. She said it was exactly what she was looking for. I made another set but in blue and she is taking that one too. I am really happy with how they turned out. They are made with bernat baby blanket yarn and are very soft and fluffy. I am getting alot of new ideas off of my knifty knitter facebook group. I find that the ladies there are quite generous with there patterns and are very helpful. Anyway I am now working on a ladybug set and hopefully will have the pictures up soon!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Loom knitted Diaper Cover

I am so excited that I finally found a great loom knitted diaper cover! I bought the pattern from one of the members on my loom knitting group on facebook. Her name is Erin Lomaster and her pattern can be found here:
You will love to make it as it is really easy! She is quite talented! She just seems to come up with the nicest patterns. I am really happy with how the diaper cover turned out. I can't wait to make more of them in different ways. Right now I have made a bear one, although I have to add the pom pom on the Anyway, here is the diaper cover that I made today.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Knifty Knitter Starter Video

Just wanted to share a great starter video on using Knifty Knitters. You will find that Mikey is a great person to help you through learing how to use them. He has many videos that you will be sure to enjoy and help you.